
Casket Candy

Meet the Band

Casket Candy

Who Are These Weirdos?

Casket Candy is a rock 'n' roll band from West Virginia with songs deadicated to the wild, weird and wicked. All songs are originals, being written and performed by the strange and unusual weirdos that are Casket Candy. Enjoy, baby.


Justin Hollerin’

Found in a canister of radioactive slime outside of a scientific lab in Newell, West Virginia, Justin was raised by a group of nomadic, karaoke bikers who waged a hidden war against the forces of evil and injustice. With his mutated, sonic vocal attacks, Justin uses Casket Candy as a weapon in continuing his mission to rock the sh*t out of evil.


Wes Axe & Hollerin’

During July of 1980, a crack between dimensions briefly exposed Wheeling, West Virginia to the blazing electricity of the rock ‘n’ roll dimension. Two items slipped through this pan-dimensional crack that changed the world forever: AC/DC’s Back in Black and Wes, who uses his powers to channel energy from the rock ‘n’ roll dimension into dirty, air-guitar inspiring riffs.


Vito Axe

While exploring uncharted cave systems deep under New Martinsville, West Virginia, Vito fell into a time vortex leading to a mysterious chamber where the ancients selected a chosen one to wield the Power Guitar– the most powerful guitar ever created. When challenged to an axe duel by the guardian of the guitar, Vito devastated the guardian, held high the Power Guitar and returned to the future, where he continues to defend the universe via the rock ‘n’ roll riffs of Casket Candy.


Ryan Big Axe

Centuries ago, in Wheeling West Virginia, Dr. Scientist stitched together his greatest and best creation. Powered by 1.21 gigawatts of raw lightning, Flyin’ Ryan was assembled with fingers of the Old Ones for bassin’. Abandon all hope ye who hear him wail.


Matt The Beatings

Woeful is the sound of the deep drumming heard in the bowels of West Virginia– for this is the sound of impending doom. Those who have heard Matts’s echoing beats are seldom heard from again, though those who are heard from again say that those beats were actually pretty banging.